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Student Success Stories

Congratulations to the Class of 2024

Congratulations to our College Dux, Michael Cook, who achieved an ATAR of 99.90 with subject Merits in Mathematical Methods, Physics and Specialist Mathematics and High Distinctions in Programming and Object Orientated Programming (University of Adelaide); and to our Proxime Accessit, Jesse Rothgrew, who achieved an ATAR of 99.90 with subject Merits in English, General Mathematics and High Distinctions in Human Anatomy and Physiology and Introduction to Forensic Science (University of Adelaide).

The excellence of our overall results can be summarised as follows:

  • 5% of students received an ATAR of 99+
  • 10% of students received an ATAR of 98+
  • 23% of students received an ATAR of 95+
  • 43% of students received an ATAR of 90+
  • Overall Median ATAR 88.00
  • In total there were 59 Merits + 13 University High Distinctions

We would like to acknowledge the outstanding achievement of the seven students who achieved an ATAR over 99:

Michael Cook 99.90 (SACE)
Jesse Rothgrew 99.90 (SACE)
Max Whittle 99.85 (SACE)
Caleb Tang 99.50 (IBDP)
Eli Anders 99.45 (SACE)
Samuel Remeljej 99.05 (IBDP)
Nathan Thomas 99.05 (IBDP)